Use your library card
to gain free access to popular attractions
across the Lehigh Valley and beyond!
Guidlines & FAQs:
Museum passes are only
available at the main branch on a
first-come, first-serve basis.
Borrowers must be 18
years of age or older, with a valid
Easton Area Public Library card with
no outstanding lost item charges.
Museum passes may be
checked out at the front desk for a
two week loan period.
Museum passes cannot be
placed on hold. However, if you call
looking for a specific pass and it
is available, we will check it out
to you at the time of the call.
(This begins the 2 week loan period,
so it is important to only do this
when you are ready to pick up the
Borrowers are
responsible for calling or visiting
the museum's website for the most
up-to-date information for hours of
operation, directions & parking.
Each museum determines the rules and
regulations governing the use of its
museum pass.
The library assumes no
responsibility of any kind arising
out of the use of museum passes.
Borrowers will be
charged $50.00 for a lost museum
The Museum Pass program is made possible
through funds raised by Friends of Easton Area
Public Library.
Museum Passes available from EAPL:
Click the museum’s logo to
visit the museum’s website and view
their policies.
museum’s name to view museum passes
in the library’s catalog.