Easton Library 
515 Church Street
Easton, PA 18042 
Mobile Printing
Palmer Branch 
1 Weller Place  
Easton, PA 18045  
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Copier and Fax Services
The Direct Service Area of the EAPL includes the Easton Area School District.
EAPL acts as the District Library Center for the Easton Library District. The Easton Library District includes the entire Direct Service Area, the whole of Monroe County, and that portion of Northampton County including and east of the Township of Bushkill and including and north of the Township of Williams.
The Library may provide contract services as the Board directs, either by agreement or by contract.
The Library is closed on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve.
Hours of operation are determined by the Board. Temporary closings for emergency reasons (weather, etc.) may be made by the Library Director, or in his/her/their absence, the designated supervisor. Individuals are not permitted to loiter on Library property before or after the Library’s hours of operation.
Residents of the Easton Area School District can obtain a free Library card, valid for a period of one (1) year from date of issue. In the event of loss, a duplicate card will be issued at the patron's expense. Holders in good standing of an EAPL card may have an ACCESS PA sticker placed on the card to permit reciprocal borrowing at Allentown and Bethlehem Public Library facilities and at any other public library in Pennsylvania that is an active participant in the ACCESS PA program. Interlibrary Loan privileges are only available to residents of the Easton Area School District.
Individuals who reside within the Easton Library District (but outside the Direct Service Area) as defined by the Pennsylvania Library Code, who do not have a home library can obtain a paid library card valid for the use of the Library for a period of one (1) year. This subscription card may not have an ACCESS PA sticker, as defined in the Guidelines for the Statewide Library Card System issued by the Governor’s Advisory Council (GAC). The Board will evaluate and set the price for this annual subscription, which may change from time to time.
EAPL is a fully participating library within the guidelines of the Statewide Library Card Program, known as ACCESS PA, as set by the Pennsylvania Library Code.
Adults requesting a Library card must provide adequate identification, which may include one or more of the following, at the Library's discretion, provided the item displays the pre-printed name and address of the requesting individual:
  • Driver's License
  • Checks
  • An identification card
  • An invoice
Children under the age of 18 requesting a Library card must obtain the signature of a parent, guardian, or guarantor on their application before the card can be issued.