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Loan Periods and Limits Placing Holds Interlibrary Loan Renewing Materials
Returning Materials Charges & Fees Overdue Materials Lost or Damaged Items
Loan Periods and Limits:
Material Type Limits Loan Period
Books & Magazines 50 21 days
Audiobooks 10 21 days
Music CD's 10 21 days
Feature / Series DVDs 10 7/21 days
Mobile Hotspots (not renewable) 1 7 days
Board Games 1 21 days
Museum Passes 1 14 days
Total Borrowed Item Limit 50  
7 Day Borrows:
  • New Adult DVD Fiction
  • Adult DVD Fiction
  • New Juv DVD Fiction
  • Juv DVD Fiction
  • New Juv DVD Non-Fiction
  • Juv DVD Non-Fiction
21 Day Borrows:
  • New Adult DVD Series
  • Adult DVD Series
  • New Adult Non-Fiction
  • Adult Non-Fiction
  • Great Courses DVD
Give us a call or sign into your online account if you would like to renew.
Mobile Hotspots, Museum passes, and items on hold cannot be renewed.
*** Please note that once an item is overdue, you must call us at 610-258-2917 ext. 301 to renew.
Interlibrary Loan Due dates vary according to lending institution.
The ILL department borrows items from other libraries for you if they are unavailable in our system.
ILL requests take a minimum of 2-3 weeks, depending on availability and distance of lending library.

*** Due dates and renewals are determined by lending library.
*** Please check the physical item for due date
Placing Holds:
Library users with a valid Easton Area Public Library card may place a hold on materials that are currently checked out or on order. Holds can be placed online or over the phone. Borrowers are notified by phone, text message, or e-mail when items are ready for pickup at the Circulation desk.

If you have trouble with the online renewal or online hold functions, please call the Library at (610) 258-2917
Interlibrary Loan:
Can’t find something you’re looking for? If an item is not available in our CATALOG through our direct sharing partner libraries Easton, we may be able to borrow it from another library for you!

In order to request an Interlibrary Loan through Easton, you must live in the Easton Area School District (City of Easton, Forks Township, Palmer Township, or Lower Mt. Bethel Independent School Tax District)**  and have a current, active EAPL library card. 

You can check the status of your card by logging in to 

We cannot guarantee that we will be able to acquire every item requested. Some items that may be unavailable include: brand new items (published within the current month up to the past 3-6 months), very old, rare, or out of print books, and self-published titles.

Please allow at least 2-3 weeks for an interlibrary loan. Depending on availability and distance of the lending library, some items may take a few weeks to arrive.

You will receive a phone call or email notification when your item is available to pick up. Due dates and renewals are determined by the lending library.  

ILL requests can be placed over the phone, in person, or online using this FORM

Wilson Area School District (inclucing Williams Township)
Nazareth Area School District
*** If you are unsure of your home library, please contact us and we can direct you.
Renewing Materials:
Most materials may be renewed two (2) times providing the account is in good standing  and material is not on hold for another individual.

*** When you renew an item, the renewal period begins on the date you renew.
There are three ways to renew books and other items:
  • Renew in person at the Main Library or the Palmer Branch.
  • Renew via phone by calling 610-258-2917, following prompts for the renewal line. If you must leave a message, a circulation staff member will follow up with a courtesy call to inform you of the items’ new due dates.
  • Renew online by going to My Account in the catalog. You will need to enter your barcode number and four digit PIN. When renewing online, please verify the new due date.

Returning Materials:
 Drop boxes are located on either side of the front door for returning items after hours.
Overdue Materials:
Be sure to check the due dates for items you have on loan. You can view your account on line by visiting My Account from the library home page or catalog page. As a courtesy, the Library provides overdue notifications by email. Failure to receive overdue notices sent by the Library does not exempt the cardholder from any returning items on time.

Sign up for email notification to receive due date reminders. Contact the Library at 610-258-2917, follow the prompts for the Circulation Department, and ask to add your email address to your account.
Charges & Fees: 
The Easton Area Public Library is Fine Free! Click Here For More Information

There are no fees for placing items on hold or requesting it through our ILL.
Other Charges:
Replaced lost library card $1.00
Black & White Printing an Photocopies $0.20/page
Color Printing and Photocopies $0.50/page
Microfilm copies $0.20/page
Computer printouts   $0.20/page
Flash drives $8.00
Ear buds $2.00
Lost or Damaged Items:
It is your responsibility to maintain the condition of all borrowed materials.  When an item is lost or damaged beyond repair, you will be asked to pay the replacement cost of the item. Minor damages, which can be repaired, as well as lost parts/containers will be assessed a small fee.
Type of Loss / Damage Charge Amount
Lost/damaged items  Replacement cost plus a $5.00 processing fee
Lost/damaged AV case $5.00-$10.00
Interlibrary Loan replacement or damage charges may vary depending on the lending library’s policy.
The parent/guardian is responsible for all charges on a minor’s card.